2012-06-26 @ 20:00:56

Which Beatle...
2012-03-26 @ 21:57:17
Lånade denna från Angelica på :)
Which Beatle are you more like?
John Lennon:
[] You were raised by someone other than your parents.
[] You have been described as a hippie.
[] You get in trouble a lot at school.
[] Your star sign is Libra.
[] You are a natural leader.
[] You don't like organized religion.
[] You like cats more than dogs.
[] You wear glasses.
[x] Your favorite color is green.
[x] You hate the dark.
Total: 2
Paul McCartney:
[x] At least one of your parents encouraged you in music.
[x] You are the oldest child in your family.
[x] You are a practical joker.
[ ] Your favourite color is blue.
[] You are fairly quick to show your enthusiasm.
[] You are a fan of football.
[] You are concerned with your appearance.
[] You are a vegetarian.
[] You are a Gemini.
[] You had sex at the age of 15 or younger.
Total: 3
George Harrison:
[x] Your parents are still together.
[] You are the youngest child in your family.
[] You do well in school.
[ ] You are a Pisces.
[] You love gummy bears.
[] You are spiritual.
[] You are younger than most/all of your friends.
[] Your favourite color is purple.
[x] You are shy.
[] You hate going to the dentist.
Ringo Starr:
[] Your parents separated when you were young.
[] You are an only child.
[] You get sick a lot.
[] You are born under the star sign Cancer.
[] You are one of the oldest of your friends.
[] You are picky about your food.
[x] You really like your independence.
[] You have blue eyes.
[] Your favourite color is red.
[x] You are short.
Total: 2
Day 01- Your Favorite Beatle
2012-02-19 @ 22:30:00
Så klart är det Paul McCartney :'D<3
Well, we're gonna rock. We're gonna rock. Let's rock. Come on and rock.
2012-02-17 @ 16:31:47

Hej:) Har inte bloggat på ett tag nu, har bara inte orkar logga in har haft fullt upp med att kika på Gossip Girl. Men i helgen och nästa vecka kommer jag vara mer aktiv igen, har PA100 vecka hela nästa vecka så jag ät ledig då. Snart blire att åka te farmor och käka fish'n'chips :D mumma <3
2012-02-14 @ 11:08:50
The Beatles Of The Caribbean
2012-02-10 @ 21:51:11
Dennha får man ju inte missa ;)
2012-02-04 @ 13:02:08
Hej;) sitter och ritar :D Ritar PAUL! så nu blir nog Angelica glad ;)
So damn beautiful
2012-01-23 @ 20:39:33
Hur underbart fin e inte denna mannen? Kolla bara hans ögon ?;O omaagaad... drunknar i dom<3 Och hans röst e helt underbar<3
Dom andra 3 grabbarna e också ruskigt fina<3
Han e ännu finare i denna video<3
R.I.P John Lennon
2011-12-08 @ 18:34:23
31 år sen du försvann från denna jord. Du förändrade mitt liv.<3'
Here Comes The Sun
2011-10-19 @ 18:58:03

Hej på er :) Har just duschat och snart blire att krypa ner i sängen och kika på Supernatural och Andra Avenyn.
Idag vare skola, började 09.35 och slutade 12.40 , riktigt härligt. Men jag och Lollo var på skolan redan vi åtta tiden så vi poppade popcorn och kikade på Supernatural:D as skoj ;)
2011-10-10 @ 18:34:59
Blir nog att se denna snygging den 10 december ;);););););)
All You Need Is Love
2011-09-25 @ 15:32:25